Junior Academy Programme 2025 for Year 9

Application Form

Notes on completing the form

Your child has been nominated by their teacher to take part in the Queen's University Junior Academy Programme.

Please note that an application can be unsuccessful due to not meeting eligibility criteria or the programme being over subscribed.

The form will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Please take time to include all the required information in the form as missing information may delay the outcome. If you encounter any difficulties, please contact the link teacher in your school or call us on 075 0009 7071.

Queen's University Belfast is committed to protecting the privacy of participants in our programmes. Our Widening Participation Unit Privacy Policy offers a clear explanation of how we treat your information - how we collect it, process it, and use it. We invite you to review the Privacy Policy here.

Pupil Details
Address Line 2
Parent/Guardian Details
Address Line 2
Home Phone
Either a home or mobile phone number is required.
Mobile Phone
Either a home or mobile phone number is required.
Additional Parent/Guardian Details
First Name
Last Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Home Phone
Mobile Phone

Please select your child's school from the list below. Please check the list carefully, using the scroll bar on the right to move downwards; typing the first letter of your child's school name will automatically move the list to that section.


Please select which statements are most relevant to your application. Queen’s Junior Academy is committed to supporting young people from families with little or no experience of Higher Education who have the potential to succeed at university and who attend a secondary school currently working in partnership with the Widening Participation Unit at Queen’s University.

Section A

Pupils currently living in care or those who are care experienced will automatically be eligible to apply for the programme as part of Queen’s University’s ongoing commitment to care experienced young people.

The programme is specifically designed for young people who have no parental experience of Higher Education (i.e. neither parent has attended university nor obtained an undergraduate degree (or equivalent) in the UK, Ireland or abroad). However, if a parent is currently studying for their first degree or has graduated within the last 5 years’ applications will still be considered.

Section B

Pupils must also meet at least one of the criteria below to be considered for participation in the Queen's Junior Academy.

This field is required.

Queen’s Junior Academy is committed to supporting young people who are seeking sanctuary in Northern Ireland and who have refugee or asylum seeker status. This also extends to ‘Newcomer Pupils’ which refers to any pupil for whom English is not their home language and who may require support in school for this reason. We would like to encourage applications from pupils from these backgrounds.


I give permission for my child to attend Junior Academy activities if randomly selected for group B, and to take part in the study and to complete the relevant questionnaires.
See link for further details on group a and b and the associated study at https://go.qub.ac.uk/JAParentInformationSheet

I give my permission for the participant to travel on transport that has been arranged for the purpose of the programme.

I consent to my child’s photograph/video being taken by a representative of Queen’s University Belfast. I understand that these images may be used for the purposes of teaching and learning and in promotional materials for use by Queen’s University Belfast, both in print and digital media, including social media. My consent will remain valid until I advise you otherwise. I am happy for photographs/video to be taken throughout the programme and give consent for these to be used for the purposes above.

Throughout the programme Queen’s Junior Academy would like to monitor the progress of pupils who take part in the Academy. In particular we would like to find out at the end of Year 12 how many of the pupils achieve 5 GCSE pass grades including Mathematics and English Language and their destination after Year 12. For us to gain this information from the school we need permission from a parent or guardian.

I am happy for Queen's University Belfast to keep in touch with the school to monitor progression and access this information.

For activities that take place on more than one occasion, I will inform the co-ordinator of any changes to my child’s health, medication or additional needs and also any changes to our address or to any of the phone numbers provided.

In the event of illness or accident, having parental responsibility for the above named child, I give permission for first aid to be administered where considered necessary by a trained first aider, if available, or medical treatment to be administered by a suitably qualified medical practitioner.

If I cannot be contacted and my child should require emergency hospital treatment, I authorise an adult leader/accompanying teacher to sign on my behalf any form of written consent required by the hospital. However, I understand that every effort will be made to contact me as soon as possible.

Queen's University Belfast is committed to protecting the privacy of participants in our programmes. Our Widening Participation Unit Privacy Policy offers a clear explanation of how we treat your information - how we collect it, process it, and use it. We invite you to review the Privacy Policy here.

I consent to Queen's University Belfast using the data provided in this way.



I, the parent/guardian, declare that I have read and completed the above information.

* consent must be provided by the person with parental responsibility.


Pupils will be asked to complete a short questionnaire that will take approximately to 20 minutes as part of the Junior Academy Programme. The questionnaire will be distributed once annually for completion; for Junior Academy at the start of Year 9, at the end of year 10, at the start of Year 11 and at the end of Year 12.
I give permission to attend Junior Academy activities if randomly selected for group B, and to take part in the study and to complete the relevant questionnaires.
See link for further details on group a and b and the associated study at https://go.qub.ac.uk/JAPupilInformationSheet

We would be grateful if you could also provide the following background information: